Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Balance in 2015

I'm still having trouble finding a balance between getting things done and making time for myself. 

My biggest issue is that I have to constantly remind myself that getting things done can't count as time for myself. In my mind, it absolutely counts! Why makes me feel good to get things done. So that should be doing something for me, right? Nope... I have learned, through way more trial and error than I would like to admit, that just because something makes me feel good or accomplished doesn't mean it has refilled my tank.

That's the difference.....refilling your tank when it's on E. My counselor has helped prove that to this hard-head Italian. All too many times when I'm mean and crabby and can't seem to kick it I can't name a single thing I've done for me. I can list plenty of things that I've done to make me feel better but they aren't things that necessarily "do it" for me.

I made a list with a few columns...things that I enjoy, things that I enjoy but don't necessarily relax me, and things that completely refill my tank. (Well that's a little more wordy than my columns were.) Apparently, I don't get my list out enough. I need to hang it on my fridge. And, as my counselor would preach to me, I need to schedule time for those refills.

That will be my goal this year. Finding that balance. I'm getting there. I truly am way better than I used to be. I'm definitely better at recognizing when I haven't taken time for myself. So that's one step closer.

Happy New Year! Here's to all of us getting one step closer to a better version of ourselves in 2015!

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