Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Titles...positions....who are you?

We all associate ourselves with certain titles or names. Maybe your titles are Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Wife, Girlfriend, or any combination of these. Would losing one of the statuses affect you? Or do you identify with who you are outside of the titles? What if we are lost in the identity of these people and in fact don't know who we are outside of them?

If you were stripped of ALL of your identifiers, who would you be?

I think this can happen to a lot of moms...and most of them (us) don't mind. Many times I have been introduced at a child's birthday party as "Drea's mom" or "Charlotte's mom" and people will apologize sometimes and say "Oh, of course, you have a name...your name is not 'Charlotte's mom.'" Most of us don't mind being called or identified this way especially as proud mommies and daddies. It's not dangerous if you don't get lost in those identifiers. Unfortunately, I assume it's more common than not to disappear and forget who you are outside of that.

If you were stripped of ALL of your identifiers, who would you be?
Can you stand alone?
Who are you?

1 comment:

  1. Yes I can stand alone but I love being called chad, stacey or jeremy Mom and love being called drea charlotte and barrett nunnie. Praying for you to have a blessed day.
